Monday, February 09, 2009

Octuplets and a "Woman's Right?"

The media seems to be covering the story of the mother of octuplets pretty well…I am sure there are a variety of different feelings and emotions concerning this mother and her decisions. I found it interesting, however, regarding the language used in an interview this morning on the Today’s Show. During the interview the mother was asked whether or not she felt like she had a “right,” to do this. I could hardly believe my ears…where are the feminists in a situation such as this? When it comes to abortions in our country, we hardly ever hear the same type of negative rhetoric. Feminists claim to be for women and their rights regardless of their choices. If this is true, where are they now? Perhaps there is a hidden agenda?


Blogger Unknown said...

Absolutely! Where are they now? Why are they not standing up for this Mother's rights? I am thankful for the birth of the babies and pray all goes well with each one of them....God gives life....we are all in His Hands....regardless....and we all will bow one day before Him....every knee.....

Loved the pictures from Florida! Beautiful!

Super about the women interns....incredible!

This is written from one of your cheerleaders.......

8:11 PM  

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